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Italian Cineclub
Directed by the acclaimed actor Edoardo Leo, set in modern times along the Roman seashore, this adaptation presents Othello, portrayed by Maghrebian actor Jawad Moraqibd, as the boss of a North African drug trafficking organization. When Othello chooses to promote Michele (played by Matteo Olivetti) to lieutenant within the organization, it sparks intense envy in Iago, depicted by a brooding Edoardo Leo. Determined to orchestrate revenge, Iago concocts a plan to incite jealousy in Othello, who has just married the beautiful Desdemona (portrayed by Ambrosia Caldarelli).
Leo has crafted a ruthless and violent thriller that boldly addresses critical issues such as gender violence, racial hatred, social envy, and feminicide while staying true to the essence of Shakespeare’s masterpiece. The film makes particularly effective use of the Roman dialect, enhancing its impact. The result is a profound and unsettling exploration of evil and its mechanisms that remains relevant over 400 years after the original text. The film premiered at the Locarno Film Festival.
Leo has crafted a ruthless and violent thriller that boldly addresses critical issues such as gender violence, racial hatred, social envy, and feminicide while staying true to the essence of Shakespeare’s masterpiece. The film makes particularly effective use of the Roman dialect, enhancing its impact. The result is a profound and unsettling exploration of evil and its mechanisms that remains relevant over 400 years after the original text. The film premiered at the Locarno Film Festival.
Flavio Aulino